My occupation

My occupation
Joel Howard

My job
my occupation
is giving praise and
giving thanks
all my days
for all the ways
God has made
Me glad

I must
Like David
publicly rejoice

These songs
are not irrelevant

They are the thing I get
to do

It's my part

The trumpet
of Jericho's fall

The sound 
of David's call

Joel's alarm
Daniel's interpretation
Jonah's call
To Nineveh-nation

God's call 
to all creation:

This stone
Makes most trip

But it happens to be
My only grip

The ground
on which I sit

God lifted me up
out of the pit

How can I 
be quiet?

Like Jeremiah
I got fire
up in my bones

Like Isaiah
I've been 
touched by coal

If you're like me
You know

Leaving all behind
I go

If He's calling you too
Well now you know

You got to go

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