
by Joel Howard

Feast of booths
Feast of booths
I can't try 
and pretend that you
Had nothing to do
My freedom now
Depends on you
My God, my God

Desert years
My desert years
I must go back
And see them here
Feast of booths
You help me to
Decide that you
My God can do

Sudden pain
And joy alike
Both from you
Both from you
In this booth
In this hut
I find my God
I find my God

Kiss my pride goodbye
Feast on memories
Sit with God with me
In my feast of booths

Fame and fortune
Wealth and gain
Have little 
To do with my name

He chose me from 
The shepherd fields
He chose me there
He brought me here

Last time I decide
Last time I choose pride
Sit with God with me
In my feast of booths

Great are you
Lord and king
Master, savior

Who walked
Desert roads with me
I attribute all
To thee!

Let my foolish pride
Buckle now as I
Sit with God with me
In my feast of booths

Sheltered in the memory
Lifting heavenward thoughts to thee
Sitting now alone with thee
Father, Jesus, help me see

I cannot contain
This feast of memory again
Let me always maintain
The narrative of how you came

Pain filled life
"How long God?"
I did implore
Grief my friend
Endless longing
Painful memories
Here inside my hut
You regain my trust
What was "mine"
A returning to 
You, God

Feast of booths
Feast of booths
I am now returning to
Jesus, who
Marched me through
The desert
I am coming to
Savior, who
Keeps my outs and ins
Holy Spirit
Teaches all
The things of you

I'm depending on you
In my feast of booths
I am leaning on you
In my feast of booths

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