Perfection pending

Perfection pending
by Joel Howard
see Gal 5-6

Evokes envy in me
I have no perfection
Originating here
Save perfection pending
When You appear

What I can't do
Tears me in two
How can I measure up?
To Your perfect love?
Only in Christ
Am I enough

The glory I seek
Isn't found in me
But what's amazing
Is what makes me free
How Jesus died
For sinners - all kinds
This glorious grace
Our glorious freedom
Perfection's a gift
That's mine!
It will arrive on time!

Sweet forgiveness
Awesome redemption
What a mercy O God!
Heaven's track record
Is ten to one better
Than all of our striving
And You will arrive on time!

Perfection pending
Hope in me, consequently
Forgiveness unending
I'm free! I'm free!

I can be childlike
I can cease to strive
I can find rest for my soul
I can be Yours, God, alone!

All that I'm looking for 
Is in Your hands
Jesus it's all in your hands
Perfection is pending
And the streets I am walking

Are plated with gold - Your command
Yes plated with the grace of Your hand
You'll lead all the way, my good Friend!

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