A God at work

 A God at work
by Joel Howard 

I wake up to a God at work 
A God who blesses
A God of worth
A God who unveils
Mysteries unknown
A God who reveals
Stories unearthed

I take no chances
On things that will fade
I've been there, done that
I know it wanes 
But the work of a God
Who never decreases
Whose power never weakens
Whose grace never ceases

Is the God I arise 
And worship today
The God I boast that I know
And with whom I will stay

Have you any doubts 
Of what God can do 
Doubt not the One
Who still works in you
Nor question the Friend
Who stays til the end
Who you does defend
Who near you doth bend
Who holds all your tears
And casts out your fears
Who to you draws near
And counts all your hair

So do not despair
Rejoice, and repair
The walls of the city
Command and don't pity
Command thine own soul
To strengthen and hold
To protect all within
For our God does win!
Yes our God will win

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