Let me remind you
Let me remind you
A prayer for intercession
Joel Howard
Here we are weak
Cast-out and alone
Here we deserve not
to approach you, Jesus
Here men say,
"Get back, move away"
O Son of David
Have mercy
You have a pattern, O God,
Of reaching ones like us
A pattern, Jesus,
of saving
Let me remind you, O God,
Of your disposition
To save the weak and the needy
To save the cast-out one
Here we've become all too
familiar with evil, it lurks
In every crevice, here in
our homes, we need
Your presence
O Son of David
Have mercy
You are delighted, O God,
In reaching the cast-out ones
You have invited, Jesus
Us to the banquet
Let me remind you, O God,
Of your heart's decision
To save the weak and the needy
To save the cast-out one
Fatherless, orphaned
Kicked-down and beaten
Here we deserve not
To come home
Here people scoff,
"Get out, stay away"
O Son of David
Have mercy
Throughout the ages, O God,
You have maintained
Tender compassion
In saving
Let me remind you, O God,
Your unmoved position
To save the weak and the needy
To save the cast-out one
You journeyed to hell and back
You released prisoners
Reached out and touched
Some of the lepers
One came to thank you
We would be like him
O Son of David
Have mercy
When have you failed, O God,
To approach with tender-mercy
all those who needed
your saving?
Let me remind you, O God,
Of all you have promised
To save the weak and the needy
To save the cast-out one
To save the weak and the needy
To save the cast-out one